
May 10, 2009

Happy days are here again

Love is all around...and yup there is, yo mummies out there!

This year, I am thankful that I am celebrating Mummy's Day with my two little angels, both of whom I can't be sane without (or sometimes with! ;)). My lovely husband whom for years to come, is and will be an excellent role model for my girls, in showing their Mummy how special she is. Thank you so much for the gifts of love :)This year, by looking at how I'm getting on with my own children, I have come to understand that the person who loves us most as ourselves are our mothers. Through good and bad, my dear Mummy has been here for me. It probably doesn't matter to her that I'm almost 30 (yikes!) and could and should probably take care of my own affairs. With her, I still feel like I'm Mummy's little girl and that when I need help, she'll still come running just like she did decades ago. And it comforts me that I'll only have to call her name. So thanks again, dear Mum!
This year, I secured a bond with another Mummy, my Chinese neighbour with two teenage daughters. A quiet family by nature but experts at plants, they have so many plants along their walkway which I always take my time to slowly pass through and admire to and fro the lift landing. They are always changing pots, producing plant babies (sorry I don't know how to describe this),re-potting them and sometimes it seems like the only thing in the pot is a dead branch sans any leaves at all. But in a few days, it will miraculously sprout the greenest shade of greens you could imagine. Occasionally, they would be outside tending to them and I would make a little small talk about how beautiful they are. And then today, one of her daughters came over with a pot of grown coriander just for me! Isn't that lovely?! I didn't have anything in return but I had to go over and thank her for the present. What nice neighbours I have.

I really thank God for all the love I have been showered with today and everyday! Have a great day!!

1 comment:

Sweetie! said...

Your mum looks hot! Somehow they all do back in the 80s. The sense of nostalgia makes everyone look attractive!