According to the news yesterday, quite a number of people got married on 09/09/09 because of the number. Some even had their babies yesterday.
I did something life-changing too! I put pen to paper and signed the contract for my employment with N/L/B. I'm going to become a children's librarian (actually, associate librarian because I do not have any library qualifications yet).
The way I see it, the job is a good match to my personality. I love books so much I'll probably sing Nat King Cole's L.O.V.E about it. Plus , I love children and am anal about how important books are in their development, especially for my own, that I am so happy that I am given a chance to do this (especially since M/O/E didn't let me teach at primary level). Eventually, if all goes well, I can even take a Masters in Library Science to get my library qualifications. Isn't that exciting? But let's not jump the boat here. I'm going to take things one step at a time although these are the opportunities that lay before me.
Talking of one step at a time, the first step would be letting go of this nagging feeling about leaving my children behind to go off to work yet again. In fact, I've somehow tried to put it out of head cos I will tear everytime I think about it. How can I leave these two gorgeous human beings behind?
Please do not say you understand because many people don't despite the fact that they say they do. And that irritates me. They say things like 'It's ok, you're still young, work is good for you', and ask questions like 'Can't your mother/mother-in-law take care of them (the children?' and when they know I've got a maid, they say,'Oh, it's oklah. You have a maid so you don't need to worry'. HELLO! What has that got to do with anything? So what even if my mothers/maid can take care of them and they receive the best care possible? No offense to either but are they ME? Can the bond that they build by being there with my children while I'm off working be magically transferred to me when I come home? NO! So you see, you don't understand. Nothing can replace being with my children myself.
As you can see, I get agitated talking about it so I'm going to end it there. What I'm going to do is to look on the bright side and be positive about all this for the sake of my family and my own personal development.
I'm sorry to tamper this post with that above outburst but on the whole, it's good news, no?
P.S. Thanks to my fantastically lovely sister who printed out my resume oh so nicely and placed them in a folder, and then that into another folder the other way around so that there is naught a wrinkle! (please give my chlidren more $ for Raya thank you...hehe-kidding lah)
o.m.g angsty. but yes, overall good.
and i didn't see any mention of thanks to YOUR LOVELY SISTER who printed out your resume so nicely. hehehehhehe!
I am going to say " Yes I understand" and hope that I dun irritate you... hahaha.
Becos I do... and each time when the weekend is over I can feel myself tearing too when I think that my time with my kids is over ( even tho big D drives me up the wall half of the time)... I do miss them terribly..
Yes I totally agree that mil/mother/maid/ is not "ME"..
Sad fact to know that we cannot be there all the time when the children need us most.... :((
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